There are a lot of business branches which are very stabile like mining, oil extraction or sawmills. These kind of firms take from natural sources and changing them to power or other goods (fuel, furnishings and so on). In this case we have grat, international corporations which make a lot of money and have got quite good investments at the stokh-exchange. Despite the fact that humanity is looking for alternative power sources our firms going to be based on petrol and coal for the nearest future. The new units of industry is an IT industry, for example concerns such as: software development company, Internet services, IT outsourcing firm and many others. These firms create and dispose high advanced technology.

What’s interesting some of them don’t provide real, material substance, but virtual like the social network companies (they create only virtual applications), in some way software development company act in the same way. It is interesting that people want and make money on some kind of product which do not actually exist – crm. We have got a big spaces to collect database which can’t be read without using computer therefore they exist but unfortunately in some kind of way, the same thing we can say about, for example, very old films with cellulose, but in this case we have a big dissimilarity: to play an old production we kave to have a proper apparatus, but it is a piece of very simple mechanical equipment, in case of current databases we must have software (as well as high technology). In the end we have professions which disappear or even already entirely vanished such as shoemaker (this profession is dispace by production companies) or blacksmith (it does exist but just as a artistic branch or as a part of high range stables; with racing or pedigree animals), many of them disappear in the nearest future.
Our civilisation is changing, we increase, create and destroy our reality, nobody knows in which way goes the path of humanity, but we have to be aware of the results of our actions and impact on natural world.