s unstoppable thing. The question is are we as a human beings are ready for this progress? The answer going to be the most significant thing for our future. There are some premises that human will transform to some kind of android, who knows what will happen when we relate our bodies to machines. Nowadays we have got highly development prosthesis, which are combined with our flesh and brain and supports us with day by day existents. Mobile phone apps makes fantastic things paralyzed people changing language to writing or use computer and that is just a first step of the developing way. Personal computer and android development (read further on this page) has got its advantages and bad sides the future will show which of them will have stronger influence on human beings and machines.
We need to be aware of that.
Artificial intelligence, ontelligent phones, IT-progress all of these remarkable devices are available in these days or going to be available in the nearest future. A part of humanity reject part of all of these achievements, nevertheless whatever we do we can’t stop computer and equipment development it is now a part of our world.